Sensitivity and Workplace Trainings by MAA
- Are you confident that your employees know how to communicate with your clientele in all situations?
- Do they possess the knowledge of communication techniques necessary for the success of your organization?
- Do your managers have the skill sets to properly evaluate employees, institute performance improvement plans and lead with minimum confrontation?
- Are your institutional policies understood and followed?
We can help. MAA takes a different approach to training. There are dozens of companies that offer classes in “conflict resolution” – we provide training to help avoid or decrease conflict before it requires a resolution. Resolving a conflict that has reached a point requiring management intervention often costs organizations time, money, and positive client relations.
MAA’s training programs help employees and managers understand which communication techniques are necessary to be successful while working or leading small and large groups, and achieving cooperation when creating and implementing new policies, and procedures. We have the knowledge, real-world experience, and instructional skills necessary to provide employees at all levels of the organization with the competencies necessary for success.
MAA offers several one-day classes to help participants bolster and refine crucial communication skills, with a practitioner’s manual and certificate of completion also provided to each student.
Specialized Workplace Training Topics:
Dynamics of Domestic Violence
Duration: 1 Day
MCLEs/CEUs: 5.5 participatory & 1 ethics
Description: This domestic violence training course is necessary to meet the new guidelines of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section 154.052(b). This intense, single-day class focuses on the following core components: Dynamics of Domestic Violence (myths and facts and impact of trauma and its presentations); Child Exposure and Child Welfare (effect of domestic violence on parenting, the intersection of domestic violence and child abuse, and mandatory reporting requirements); Texas Statutory Framework (Tex/Fam presumptions around conservatorship when domestic violence is present, protective orders, reporting laws and procedures, the impact of statutory requirements); and, Practice Guidance (mediation safety plans, ethical reporting requirements, stalking, and anger management). This training is recognized by the Texas Council on Family Violence and approved by the State Bar of Texas.
Anti-Harassment Training – The Sixty Ground Rules
Duration: 1 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: The Sixty Ground Rules is a six-hour comprehensive, interactive class (including role plays), which covers cultural awareness, gender to gender communication processes and the ethical responsibilities of professional behavior toward both males and females. The training provides the necessary platform from which sexual harassment, hostile work environments and insensitivity can be addressed and eliminated. This training program is interactive and participatory.
Conflict Resolution Consulting: Using Mediation Strategies to Improve Organizational Communications, Conflict Coaching, Team Building and Leadership Training
Duration: 1 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: Every workplace generates lingering conflicts, yet few organizations have rethought the way they work, or used conflict resolution skills and ideas to prevent and transform the sources of this conflict or examined their organizational communications and “conflict cultures” to discover how their conflicts are generated and reduce their reoccurrence. Fewer still have integrated conflict resolution and coaching, trained leaders to manage challenging conversations, used conflict resolution principles to inform their change processes, conducted “conflict audits” to reveal where these streams of conflict originate, or designed complex, multi-layered, self-correcting systems to improve their capacity for conflict prevention, resolution, and transformation. As such, this workshop, identifies new skills in organizational dialogue, leadership, teamwork, and collaborative processes. Strategies and techniques are examined that help participants shape an organizational context of values, ethics and integrity; develop collaborative, linking leadership; build innovative self- managing teams; and integrate strategically positive, productive change. Participants are introduced to competencies that will empower them to become “conflict leaders”. This training program is interactive and participatory.
Prerequisite: Basic Mediation
Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity Training
Duration: 1 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: Most organizations are experiencing change. Corporate cultures are being redefined, offensive office behavior is leading (or has lead) to the job terminations of individuals in high company positions, generational expectations and values conflict with other generational beliefs and communication strategies to address these issues often fail. This class provides a basic overview and foundational knowledge of leadership which addresses workplace change and the various conflicts supervisors and managers are likely to experience. This training program is interactive and participatory.
Advanced Leadership: Dynamic Leadership: Team Building, Influence and Responsibility
Duration: 1 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: In the current business environment, where cultural norms are undergoing significant changes daily, many senior managers and administrators in some of the largest corporations are being fired or forced to retire, and the concept of teamwork has been marred by allegations of sexual harassment and claims of hostile work environments, the need for dynamic leadership has never been greater. This class will focus on the importance of understanding organizational systems, the importance of developing competent and functional teams, and the critical importance of ethical leadership, responsibility and value-based decision-making. This training program is interactive and participatory.
Successful Communication: The Flourishing Organization Training
Duration: 1 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn recently stated that (regarding the workplace) “…interpersonal skills is where we’re seeing the biggest imbalance. Communications is the Number 1 skill gap.” Successful communication is the foundation for positive constructive personal and business relationships. The damage caused by poor communication can lead to disastrous situations within a company. This one-day basic course discusses and explores communication methods, techniques and pitfalls and provides the student with the skills necessary to build and maintain a capable, dependable and flourishing company at all levels of the organization – from mailroom to executive suites. This training program is interactive and participatory.
Managing Challenging Conversations Training
Duration: 1 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: Eventually we all find ourselves in conversations tainted by anger, miscommunication, emotions, and other behaviors/attitudes which if not managed properly will result in ineffective interaction between parties. This can have a devastating effect on personal and business relationships as well as developing into larger problems such as EEO or sexual harassment complaints, decrease in organizational moral, or creating a communication obstruction between staff and management. This 6-hour class focuses on methods and techniques that can be used to influence challenging conversations toward a more professional, calm and clear style of information sharing. This can be extremely important during conversations based around high conflict situations such as issuing performance evaluations, announcing controversial organizational information, or interacting with a “difficult” person. This training program is interactive and participatory.
Managing Stress at Work and Home
Duration: 1 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: Are you stressed at home and work? Are you constantly worried how you are going to get everything done that is on your plate? Are you starting to notice stress in your life is hijacking your energy and focus; is your neck stiff or do you have a recurring headache? Are your relationships at work and home impacted because of your irritability from exhaustion? This interactive class will help the participant understand the different types of stress, the impact of stress on their mental and physical well- being and strategies on how to manage stress at work and home. Each participant will develop a self-care plan they can take with them and start immediately to reduce the stress in their lives. This training program is interactive and participatory.
Strategic Vision: Defining the Organizational Goals, Priorities and Actions Necessary for Future Success
Duration: 2 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: John Naisbitt (Futurist and Author) wrote, “Strategic Planning is Useless – Unless There is First Strategic Vision”. Promoting this concept, this two-day course focusses on the following three initiatives – defining and developing strategic vision, understanding how to develop a strategic plan necessary to achieve the goals of that vision, and assisting participants in developing their own strategic plan based on a proposition they will bring to the class. Note: The second day will primarily focus on the participant’s proposal using the information provided on Day One. The intent of this class is not only to provide foundational knowledge of Strategic Planning and Vision, but to help the student develop a workable plan to achieve their stated goals. This training program is interactive and participatory.
Description: Understanding and Managing the Angry Employee
Duration: 1 Day
CEUs: Yes
Description: You get a call that in a meeting your employee just “lost” it, went on a tirade and got up and slammed out of the room? What do you do as a Manger/Supervisor? You understand the impact of those behaviors and the ripple effect it has on the entire organization. There can be a fine line between an employee being angry and showing strong emotions; and someone crossing the line and potentially causing harm to another person. Your staff need to understand that everyone is expected to act and communicate in a professional, non-threatening way. As a Manager you are responsible to provide a safe work environment, influence the behaviors of your staff, and educate staff on how to respond if they encounter belligerence in the workplace. This class addresses the following tenets of anger management: Understanding Anger, Managing the Anger Behavior and Resolving Conflict in the Workplace Setting. Participants will have an opportunity to participate in an interactive role play session in which they get to practice their new skills.
These trainings are provided based on your needs for classes both large and small, companies, and solo-practitioners.
Please call 512-966-9222 or email info@motexas.com to set one up or for more information.
Current and Previous Clients:
- Texas Department of Insurance
Surprise-billing arbitration for insurance disputes. - Power Choice LTD
Contact-focused scalable media placements. - Tarleton State University
Creative marketing and communication for rapid expansion. - Bilt Rite Scaffold
Sensitivity Training - Dallas Independent School District
Various Courses/Training - City of Georgetown Texas
Complex Communication Training - New Braunfels Independent School District
Sensitivity Training - University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Complex Communication Training - NMI Alaska, Inc
Sensitivity/Communication Training - Teya Services, Alaska
Sensitivity/Communication Training - Texas A&M University, Central Texas
Various Courses/Training - Central Texas Pain Center
Sensitivity/Communication Training - Construct Capital
Sensitivity/Communication Training